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With fifteen faculty members full-time in philosophy and a graduate student body numbering in the twenties, most seminars are small (typically, four to nine students). Our program requirements are designed to prepare students for the job market and for tenure-track careers in the discipline. Our Placement Director works with students from their first day on grounds to ensure they are well-prepared to succeed.

An important part of any graduate program experience lies beyond the seminar room. Students will find many opportunities for the informal exchange of ideas:

Graduate Student Organizations

Philosophy After Dark – a workshop series that meets over pizza to discuss graduate student work in progress

Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) and Women In Philosophy (WIP) – two groups whose aim is to provide support and community to underrepresented groups

Graduate students often form ad hoc reading groups, sometimes in association with faculty members

Department Retreat

The department holds an annual retreat in the fall semester at Morven Farm. This retreat features presentations by faculty and students in a peaceful, pastoral setting. 


The Balz Philosophy Library is located in a beautifully renovated room in our building, Cocke Hall. It is intended as a quiet place for study and is used extensively by graduate philosophy students. The department also maintains two graduate student labs as dedicated workspace.