Paul Humphreys (2022)
1950 - 2022
Hired 1978 and Retired 2021
B.S. Logic and Physics, University of Sussex
M.A. Philosophy, Stanford University
M.S. Statistics, Stanford University
Ph.D. Philosophy, Stanford University
AOS: Philosophy of Science, Epistemology
Obituary and Memorials
From the Department:
Our longtime colleague, Paul Humphreys, died on August 9, 2022. Paul was a member of the department for 43 years, from 1978 until his retirement in 2021, and one of the foremost philosophers of science of his time. His influential work ranged widely within the philosophy of science, from emergence, probabilistic causality, and scientific explanation to the philosophy of computer simulations. He also helped to shape the field through his service to the profession, most recently as series editor for Oxford Studies in the Philosophy of Science. But his contributions transcend both disciplinary and national boundaries. At UVA, Paul established working groups with faculty from a wide range of disciplines, including data science, economics, and sociology, to examine epistemological and ethical questions raised by new developments in artificial intelligence, data science, and neuroscience. He held visiting appointments at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Institut d'Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques in Paris, in addition to appointments at Stanford, Pittsburgh, Arizona, and other US institutions. He generously sponsored numerous international graduate and postdoctoral students who came to Charlottesville to study with him. Paul’s influence will live on, not only in his many books and articles, but also in the work of the many scholars and students who have benefitted from his intellect and his kindness.