Cora Diamond
Hired September 1969 and Retired January 2002
B.A. Mathematics, Swarthmore College
B.Phil., Oxford University
AOS: Wittgenstein, Frege and Philosophy of Language, Moral and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
Recent publications
"G.H. von Wright on Wittgenstein in Relation to His Times". In Acta Philosophica Fennica, vol. 93, 2017.
"Asymmetries in Thinking about Thought: Anscombe and Wiggins". In the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 90, Spring 2016.
"Wittgenstein and What Can Only Be True". Nordic Wittgenstein Review 3 (Dec. 2014).
Recent talks
"Wittgenstein's 'Unbearable Conflict'" (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis seminar, Tavistock Clinic, London)
"On there not being anything else to think" (Jowett Society, Oxford)
"Murdoch off the map, or Taking Empiricism back from the Empiricists". (Moral Philosophy seminar, Oxford; Amherst College)