The Dept. welcomes new faculty member, Kimberly Harris, who will teach Intro to Africana Philosophy in Fall 2022
Kimberly Ann Harris
Harris’s research focuses on African American Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, and Nineteenth Century German Philosophy, especially Hegel.
Her work has appeared in Philosophy Today, Metaphilosophy, Critical Philosophy of Race, and Idealistic Studies. She is at work on essays concerning Black Hegelianism, Hegel’s racism, interpreting Du Bois’s “Conservation of Races” from a black feminist perspective, and Du Bois’s view on the role of the philosopher in democracy. She is completing a monograph entitled Du Bois's Metaphilosophy: The Truth of Race.
Harris completed her Ph.D. in philosophy at Penn State University in 2018. Formerly, she was at Marquette University as an Assistant Professor. She serves as an associate editor for Critical Philosophy of Race. In Fall 2022, Harris will teach an undergraduate course entitled Introduction to Africana Philosophy. In Spring 2023, Harris will teach an undergraduate course on Metaphilosophy, and a graduate seminar on Nineteenth Century German Philosophy.
Harris is passionate about serving underrepresented students in their pursuits of philosophy. Given her own background she considers herself fortunate to be a philosopher. She was born and raised in Muskegon, MI.