Courses Archive
Fall 2025 Course Descriptions
Prof. MacKenzie – ICM5H Monday & Wednesday 10:00-10:50+ disc sec Clark 107
This course will examine topics from five key areas of philosophy: epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. Questions may include: does God exist? What makes for a meaningful life? Should we be afraid of death? What are the limits of state authority? Does free will exist? What makes a joke funny? Should we get off social media? What, if anything, can we know?
Prof. Boone – ASX7FH Tuesday & Thursday 2:00-3:15 Clark 108
This course covers the basics of logic and argumentation. Any time someone wants to rationally convince you of something, they must give you an argument. And every argument has a logical structure. Some of these structures are strong, while others are weak. In this class, you’ll learn not only how to recognize the difference but further how to prove it. No background in any formal discipline is required, and the course does not cover symbolic logic in detail (for this take PHIL 2420). The course provides the general skills necessary to precisely identify, reconstruct, and evaluate arguments, with emphasis on applying these skills to everyday life.
Prof. McCready-Flora – ICM5H Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:20+disc sec Clark 107
Are there things all human beings share besides obvious biological similarities? For instance: 1) are humans rational animals? What is reason and how does it relate to other human traits? 2) Is it human nature to recognize moral obligations and love the good, or is morality in some sense contrary to human nature? 3) Relatedly, are we really social animals? Is it natural for us to live under political institutions, or are such arrangements (including those here and now) contrary to our nature? Readings will include luminaries of the past (Plato, Mencius, the Nyaya school) and those working at the state of the art.
Prof. Stangl – RLS5EF Monday & Wednesday 1:00-1:50+ disc sec Minor 125
This course is an exploration, from the point of view of philosophical theory, of a number of ethical problems at the beginning and end of life. Questions to be addressed will include: What is the significance of death and the value of life? Under what conditions, if any, are abortion and euthanasia morally permissible? At what point ought we to discontinue medical treatment of the terminally ill, and who should be empowered to make this decision? Are we under any moral obligation to prevent the death of those threatened by hunger and easily treatable disease?
Prof. Adams – NA9FW Tuesday & Thursday 11:00-11:50+disc sec Minor 125
Do we have a duty to obey the law? The law thinks so, and breaking the law is often severely punished. But as citizens we often also think law is bad, mistaken, unjust, and that we should disobey the law or even overthrow the government. More specific questions also arise when we accept the rule of law. What sorts of actions should be criminalized and what sorts of punishments are justified? Why do our mental states matter to the law? What is an attempt, and how can we regulate failures? What processes should we use when making legal judgments? What is the relation between law and morality? Law and politics? In this course, we will look at these and similar philosophical problems for life under law.
This course satisfies History area requirements.
Prof. Secada – JES2F Monday & Wednesday 9:00-9:50+ disc sec Warner 104
This course is an introduction to the history of philosophy from its beginnings in the Greek colonies of Asia Minor to the Renaissance and the end of the Middle Ages. The lectures do not aim to offer a comprehensive summary; you will find that in any of several histories of philosophy, one of which is required reading for the course. In the lectures we will instead discuss a few selected major philosophers and we will concentrate on some of their doctrines and arguments. We will, however, look at cultural developments which took place during this period and we will study philosophical works in their more general social and historical setting. The course seeks to provide historical as much as philosophical knowledge and understanding. Requirements include several short quizzes and a term paper.
This course satisfies Logic area requirements.
Prof. Cameron – RPC4D Tuesday & Thursday 8:00-9:15 Clark 108
A basic introduction to the concepts and techniques of modern formal logic. The aim of this course is to give the student a working knowledge of both sentential and quantifier logic. Students will learn how to translate claims and arguments from English into a formal system, and to test arguments for validity.
Prof. Brewer-TMB2N Monday & Wednesday 12:00-12:50+ disc sec Warner 104
Human beings are inexorably drawn into intimacy with each other, forming bonds of love and friendship. But what exactly are love and friendship? How and why do they arise? What forms can they take? What place do they have in our lives? In this course we will explore these questions through close readings of relevant works in the history of Western philosophy, beginning with the writings of the Ancient Greeks and working our way forward to relevant works of contemporary philosophers.
Prerequisites: Instructor Permission - First and Second Years only.
Prof. Merricks – TDB8N Monday & Wednesday 11:00-11:50+ disc sec Gibson 211
This course will examine a number of different topics that have been of perennial interest to philosophers of religion and philosophical theologians. These topics include arguments for and against God's existence, the problem of evil, the relationship between human freedom and divine foreknowledge, and how to think about personal immortality and the nature of the human person.
Prof. Barnes- EJB5R Tuesday & Thursday 8:00-8:50+ disc sec Clark 107
In this class, we’ll first discuss the question ‘what is health?’ How do we define what it means to be healthy? Is there a difference between physical and mental health? Is there a difference between health and overall well-being? Is health a biological concept or is it something normative? Then we’ll look at specific puzzles that arise in health care related to how we understand health and disease. For example, how do we measure health outcomes? How do we deal with the inherent subjectivity of some aspects of health, such as pain? What is the relationship between what we consider ‘healthy’ and what our culture values or stigmatizes?
PHIL 3110 PLATO [3]
This course satisfies the History requirement for those who have or will take PHIL 2120 – Modern
Prof. McCready-Flora – ICM5H Tuesday & Thursday 12:30-1:45 Cocke 115
This course introduces students to the dialogues of Plato, with an emphasis on those of particular argumentative and philosophical interest. Expect treatments of the divine and our relation to it; love; the nature and possibility of human knowledge; what makes anything one; why the world exists at all, and in particular why it takes the form it does; humanity’s place in the cosmic order; and the nature of the soul. Our aim will be to engage Plato as a fellow philosopher through close reading and subtle reasoning. This means understanding his assumptions, scrutinizing his argumentation and proposing alternatives to his conclusions. No knowledge of Greek required, but some prior coursework in Philosophy very much encouraged.
This course satisfies History area requirements for those who have or will take PHIL 2110 – Ancient
This course satisfies the Second Writing Requirement.
Prof. Secada – JES2F Monday & Wednesday 2:00-3:15 Nau 141
This course examines the various philosophical systems of the 17th century. This year, we’ll read Hobbes, Descartes, Cavendish, and Spinoza
This course satisfies the M&E requirement
This Course satisfies the Second Writing Requirement
Prof. Boone – ASX7FH Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-10:45 Cocke 115
Prof. Irving – ZCI7C Monday & Wednesday 2:00-3:15 Cocke 115
We focus on the place of consciousness in nature. Part 1 surveys models of consciousness in cognitive science. Part 2 turns to ``hard problems'' of consciousness: is consciousness experience compatible with a scientific worldview? Part 3 turns to experiences that most theories of consciousness neglect–– dreaming, mind-wandering, and dreamless sleep––drawing lessons about methods in consciousness research and the conscious self.
Prof. Adams – NA9FW Tuesday & Thursday 2:00-3:15 Cabell 332
How should we live together? This question is at the core of political philosophy and is the main focus of the course. This question has various components, including: Who counts as one of us? How should we make decisions? Who should be in charge? How should we use our power? How should we treat others? How can we flourish? And who gets a say in how to answer these questions? The course focuses on contemporary democratic answers and considers to what extent our ideals have been realized in our shared life.
PHIL 3710 ETHICS [3]
Prof. Brewer – TMB2N Monday & Wednesday 2:00-3:15 Warner 110
In this course, we will engage in an in-depth study of the ethical thought of Plato, Aristotle, Hume and Kant—four figures who continue to have an extremely powerful influence on contemporary philosophical discussions of ethics. The main themes of the course will include: the nature of practical thinking, the place of particular and general judgments in practical deliberation, the nature and value of the virtues of character, and the source and content of the idea of right action.
Prof. Barnes – EJB5R Tuesday & Thursday 11:00-12:15 Cocke 115
This class explores philosophical issues in the nature of mental health and mental illness. Topics may include: What is the difference between a mental illness and a physical illness? How do we understand the difference between mental difference and mental dysfunction? Does our current approach to understanding mental health overly pathologize or medicalize people? What is a social contagion? What does it mean to be mentally
Prof. Irving – ZCI7C Monday & Wednesday 5:00-6:15 Cocke 101
”How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?… God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains” – Sean Parker, Founder of Napster
Creatures like us face a problem of attention. Every moment, we have a vast amount of information at our disposal; yet our attention is small. How we attend therefore matters for our ethical, epistemic, and practical success. This is true now, more than ever, as we struggle against technologies designed to place historically unprecedented demands on attention. Although philosophers dismissed the norms of attention until recently, the field has grown exponentially over the past two years. Our course will survey this emerging literature, discussing both abstract and applied accounts of the norms of attention. Some of the abstract accounts concern the value of salience structures (Jessie Munton; Sebastian Watzl), spontaneity (Zac Irving; Virginia Woolf; Jonathan Gingerich), full attention (Dorothea Debus; Iris Murdoch; Simone Weil), virtuous attention (Ellen Fridland; Georgi Gardiner), and vigilance (Sam Murray). Other accouts focus on applied social questions: how attention constitutes ideological (Ege Yumuşak), journalistic, and democratic (Susanna Siegel) perspectives, and how we can harm people by giving too much attention to their identity categories (Ella Whitley). We’ll aim to apply the philosophical lessons from these theories to a practical question: how (if at all) do digital distractions harm us? Do these technologies simply make us more distracted (Cal Newport; James Williams)? Cause the wrong kind of distraction (Zac Irving)? Manipulate our attention (Kaisa Kärki; Sebastian Watzl; Zac Irving)? Fix our attention on echo chambers, moral outrage, or thin values (C Thi Nguyen; Molly Crocket)? In terms of content, this course will expose you to a rapidly changing interdisciplinary field, teaching you how to tackle real-world problems from a philosophical point of view. In terms of skills, this course will teach you how to engage with contemporary research in a seminar-style, discussion-based course that culminates in writing a research paper of your own.
Prof. Cameron – RPC4D Tuesday & Thursday 11:00-12:15 Pavilion V 109
This class is about some of the fascinating and mind-bending issues that arise in the intersection of philosophy, mathematics, and logic. Some of the issues we will discuss are: the nature of infinity; non-well-founded set theories; whether math is all about structure and what that might mean; the limits of computability and mathematical proof; Godel’s incompleteness theorems; paradoxes and the nature of logic and truth.
No particular prior mathematical training is required, but students should have taken either some intermediate level math or some formal logic at university level before this class; we will be going through some mathematical proofs so a lack of aversion to numbers and symbols is necessary. While this class is a 5000 level class, it is appropriate for upper level undergraduate student.
Required for all first year Philosophy graduate students.
Prof. MacKenzie – ICM5H Monday 1:00-3:30 Cocke Hall 108
In addition to introducing students to a contemporary philosophical literature, this course will also serve as an introduction to the philosophy PhD program at UVA, and to the field of philosophy more generally. This means that, in addition to our core philosophical subject matter, we will discuss topics related to completing a PhD at UVA, as well as elements of professional engagement. The assignments in this course are designed to give students a good amount practice reading, writing, presenting, and discussing philosophy at the graduate level.
Prof. Ott – WO5N Thursday 1:00-3:30 Cocke Hall 108
What mental states (if any) do we share with non-human animals? What can the minds of animals teach us about our own? We will spend roughly half the semester on the moderns and half on the contemporary debate. Throughout, our work will be informed by empirical evidence.
This course counts towards the Metaphysics area requirement
Prof. Merricks – TDM8N Wednesday 1:00-3:30 Cocke Hall 108
This graduate seminar focuses on both the metaphysics of personal identity and the ethical question of “what matters in survival.” The two main texts for this class are *The Human Animal: Personal identity without psychology* by Eric Olson, and *Self and Identity* by Trenton Merricks. Both of these books push, in different ways, against the idea that psychological continuity and connectedness are central to personal identity.